
Article 24

I Have the right to good health, including health care, clean drinking water and nutritious food.


At Valley Road Academy our aim is to ensure that all our pupils, parents/carers and staff are happy, healthy and safe. Valley Road Academy are committed to supporting emotional health and wellbeing. We know that everyone experiences life challenges that can make us vulnerable at times and may need additional emotional support.  We believe that positive mental health is everyone’s responsibility and we all have a role to play.

At Valley Road Academy we:

  • Ensure that all our children feel valued.
  • Ensure our children have a sense of belonging and feel safe.
  • Support our children to understand their feelings and emotions.
  • Support our children to feel comfortable sharing any concerns or worries.
  • Encourage children to be confident and celebrate differences.
  • Support our children to build emotional resilience and give them the skills to manage setbacks.
  • Promote self-esteem and support children in forming and maintaining positive relationships with others.

Our Well Being Ambassadors 

  • To support Wellbeing in school we:

    • Meet the needs of our children through our overall ethos and curriculum.
    • Have a senior Mental Health Lead – Miss Johnson.
    • Have a ‘Safe Space’ room that is available for children to access for quiet time, to share their worries and anxieties.
    • Have a team of children’s Wellbeing Ambassadors who have completed the Anna Freud peer mentoring training programme. annafreud.org
    • Have a team of staff Wellbeing Ambassadors, Miss Johnson, Mrs Hibbert, Mrs Potts, Miss McKinney and Mrs Curle.
    • Follow the Five Aspects of Wellbeing. nhs.uk
    • Offer additional support where needed through our Play Therapist Dawn Baxter and Educational Mental Health Practitioner Beverley Hall.


Just as peoples bodies can become unwell, people’s minds can become unwell too. Mental health problems are more common than you think but can be difficult to talk about. There is support available, below are some useful links to key organisations that offer professional and confidential help.

Services and websites:

How you can help at home



Article 24

I Have the right to good health, including health care, clean drinking water and nutritious food.


At Valley Road Academy our aim is to ensure that all our pupils, parents/carers and staff are happy, healthy and safe. Valley Road Academy are committed to supporting emotional health and wellbeing. We know that everyone experiences life challenges that can make us vulnerable at times and may need additional emotional support.  We believe that positive mental health is everyone’s responsibility and we all have a role to play.

At Valley Road Academy we:

  • Ensure that all our children feel valued.
  • Ensure our children have a sense of belonging and feel safe.
  • Support our children to understand their feelings and emotions.
  • Support our children to feel comfortable sharing any concerns or worries.
  • Encourage children to be confident and celebrate differences.
  • Support our children to build emotional resilience and give them the skills to manage setbacks.
  • Promote self-esteem and support children in forming and maintaining positive relationships with others.

Our Well Being Ambassadors 

  • To support Wellbeing in school we:

    • Meet the needs of our children through our overall ethos and curriculum.
    • Have a senior Mental Health Lead – Miss Johnson.
    • Have a ‘Safe Space’ room that is available for children to access for quiet time, to share their worries and anxieties.
    • Have a team of children’s Wellbeing Ambassadors who have completed the Anna Freud peer mentoring training programme. annafreud.org
    • Have a team of staff Wellbeing Ambassadors, Miss Johnson, Mrs Hibbert, Mrs Potts, Miss McKinney and Mrs Curle.
    • Follow the Five Aspects of Wellbeing. nhs.uk
    • Offer additional support where needed through our Play Therapist Dawn Baxter and Educational Mental Health Practitioner Beverley Hall.


Just as peoples bodies can become unwell, people’s minds can become unwell too. Mental health problems are more common than you think but can be difficult to talk about. There is support available, below are some useful links to key organisations that offer professional and confidential help.

Services and websites:

How you can help at home
