Language Provision


Valley Road Language Provision

We are very pleased to have one of the three Local Authority Language Provision units here at Valley Road Academy.

The Provision supports children who have speech, language and communication difficulties, and who benefit from continued, intensive therapy throughout the school day.

The Language Provision runs Monday – Thursday (full days), and children return to their ‘home school’ every Friday. This allows them to keep the friendships they have within their ’home’ school, as well as making new relationships at Valley Road.

Whilst at the Provision, children receive specific therapy from a member of the Intensive Intervention Team (IIT), who are specialist speech and language therapists. Valley Road staff then follow up this work throughout the week to ensure that the key skills and targets are woven into the children’s daily learning activities. 

What our parents say:

“The boost my child has had at the Language Provision unit at Valley Road has had a good impact.”

“My child is talking so much more and asking loads of questions linked to the topic and learning.”

“My child is improving and I am pleased with the support he is getting.”

“People are lovely and I am grateful for the help they are giving.”