Article 29
I have the right to an education which develops my personality,
talents and abilities
To meet the aims of the National curriculum for science and in response to the Ofsted research review: Kapow has identified the following key strands:
Scientific knowledge and understanding of:
Curriculum content has been grouped into six key areas of science to show progression throughout the school:
Pupils explore knowledge and conceptual understanding through engaging activities and an introduction to relevant, specialist vocabulary. Working scientifically skills are integrated with conceptual understanding rather than taught discretely to provide frequent but relevant opportunities for developing scientific enquiry skills. The scheme utilises practical activities that aid in the progression of individual skills and provide opportunities for full investigations.
Impact By the time pupils leave school in Year 6 they will be equipped with the requisite skills and knowledge to succeed in science at Key stage 3. They will have the necessary tools to confidently and meaningfully question and explore the world around them and critically and analytically experience and observe phenomena. Pupils will understand the significance and impact of science on society.
Science Long Term Plan Reception, Year 1 & 2
Science Long Term Plan Key Stage 2
To find out more about KAPOW and explore year group planning click here |
Article 29
I have the right to an education which develops my personality,
talents and abilities
To meet the aims of the National curriculum for science and in response to the Ofsted research review: Kapow has identified the following key strands:
Scientific knowledge and understanding of:
Curriculum content has been grouped into six key areas of science to show progression throughout the school:
Pupils explore knowledge and conceptual understanding through engaging activities and an introduction to relevant, specialist vocabulary. Working scientifically skills are integrated with conceptual understanding rather than taught discretely to provide frequent but relevant opportunities for developing scientific enquiry skills. The scheme utilises practical activities that aid in the progression of individual skills and provide opportunities for full investigations.
Impact By the time pupils leave school in Year 6 they will be equipped with the requisite skills and knowledge to succeed in science at Key stage 3. They will have the necessary tools to confidently and meaningfully question and explore the world around them and critically and analytically experience and observe phenomena. Pupils will understand the significance and impact of science on society.
Science Long Term Plan Reception, Year 1 & 2
Science Long Term Plan Key Stage 2
To find out more about KAPOW and explore year group planning click here |