Life In Nursery


 Nursery Environment

Nursery is based in a separate building within the main school grounds. We have places for up to 60 children who attend either a morning or afternoon session.

We provide a wide range of stimulating and exciting activities and resources within a caring and nurturing environment, which reflects the children’s communities and cultures and promotes children’s play and exploration, indoors and out. Children are encouraged to share and take turns and to build friendships.

We place a real emphasis on developing children’s language and communication skills and we encourage parents and carers to regularly join in with story times and music activities.

By the end of nursery, it is our aim that each child will have flourished and have the confidence, skills and independence to move on to the next stage of their learning. Children have lots of fun in the outside play area. We have a bike track, a mud kitchen, grassed and planting areas, a large sand pit and a pavilion.

Each day the children enjoy a healthy snack of fruit and milk. Cooking activities are a regular part of the curriculum, with an emphasis on healthy eating.



Life In Nursery


 Nursery Environment

Nursery is based in a separate building within the main school grounds. We have places for up to 60 children who attend either a morning or afternoon session.

We provide a wide range of stimulating and exciting activities and resources within a caring and nurturing environment, which reflects the children’s communities and cultures and promotes children’s play and exploration, indoors and out. Children are encouraged to share and take turns and to build friendships.

We place a real emphasis on developing children’s language and communication skills and we encourage parents and carers to regularly join in with story times and music activities.

By the end of nursery, it is our aim that each child will have flourished and have the confidence, skills and independence to move on to the next stage of their learning. Children have lots of fun in the outside play area. We have a bike track, a mud kitchen, grassed and planting areas, a large sand pit and a pavilion.

Each day the children enjoy a healthy snack of fruit and milk. Cooking activities are a regular part of the curriculum, with an emphasis on healthy eating.