Remembrance day service
On Monday 11th November, Year 2 went to the War Memorial in Mowbray Park, to attend the Remembrance Day Service. We took part in a two-minute silence. This was a special time to think about the people who served our country in wars.
All of the children in year 2 have had a fabulous first week back at school. They enjoyed playing with their friends at break times, having fun with games, hula hooping, cheerleading and dancing. They also had really enjoyed going swimming this week, they learnt how to get into the pool correctly and safely, kick their legs, make bubbles, as well as splashing each other creating lots and lots of giggles.
Remembrance day service
On Monday 11th November, Year 2 went to the War Memorial in Mowbray Park, to attend the Remembrance Day Service. We took part in a two-minute silence. This was a special time to think about the people who served our country in wars.
All of the children in year 2 have had a fabulous first week back at school. They enjoyed playing with their friends at break times, having fun with games, hula hooping, cheerleading and dancing. They also had really enjoyed going swimming this week, they learnt how to get into the pool correctly and safely, kick their legs, make bubbles, as well as splashing each other creating lots and lots of giggles.
Remembrance day service
On Monday 11th November, Year 2 went to the War Memorial in Mowbray Park, to attend the Remembrance Day Service. We took part in a two-minute silence. This was a special time to think about the people who served our country in wars.
All of the children in year 2 have had a fabulous first week back at school. They enjoyed playing with their friends at break times, having fun with games, hula hooping, cheerleading and dancing. They also had really enjoyed going swimming this week, they learnt how to get into the pool correctly and safely, kick their legs, make bubbles, as well as splashing each other creating lots and lots of giggles.