Autumn Term 2024 - Dec - Jan 2025 - Gallery and Work


PE Festival

This week, Reception were lucky enough to attend a PE festival at the Raich Carter. The children took part in some very exciting games, like stuck in the mud, and they ran some very fast races. They loved getting to explore lots of different games and activities like golf and hurdles. The children also practiced their throwing skills by knocking over pins and trying throw bean bags into holes. We even had a go at curling! We were so amazed with how well behaved and sensible all of the Reception children were – well done everyone!

Bonfire Night

This week, Reception have been learning all about Bonfire Night. We discussed why we celebrate Bonfire Night and some of the special things we might see on this special day, as well as how to stay safe if we go to a fireworks display. The children also watched some examples of fireworks displays, commenting on what they could see and hear. We then used this knowledge to make our very own firework pictures, using a range of different materials including toilet rolls, forks and lots of glitter! The children were so proud of their special pictures and couldn’t wait to take them home.