Corporation Road, Sunderland, Tyne And Wear SR2 8PL

0191 5002999

  1. Key Stage 1 & 2
  2. Rainbow Room and Language Provision
  3. Autumn Term Sept-Oct 2023 - Gallery and Work

Parent Information

 Info for website Sept23.pdfDownload
 People Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
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In science we have looked at rocks and soils. We have discussed the different types of rocks, made our own rock collection, sorted rocks and discussed how fossils are made. We also explored the layers of soil and labelled the various layers that are under the earth. 


Our general topic has been ourselves and we have been reading Funnybones and naming different parts of out body. We have looked at speech sounds within these words and played lots of Simon Says to develop our listening skills. We have also looked at how to keep our bodies healthy and made fruit kebabs. We then used this experience to help us write a set of instructions. 


We have been exploring our school and local area. We have visited Backhouse Park, a local park, and looked at the human and physical features within our area. We have also been looking at our addresses and viewing our houses on Google Maps. 


We have recapped online safety, discussing why we need passwords and why we need to keep them safe. We have then used Purple Mash online platform to look at logging on, completing work and where this can be saved. We also completed a fact file all about our favourite things, linked to our general topic of ourselves and other people.