Our Vision: excellence through aspiration
Iris Learning Trust’s vision is to establish great primary schools that are centres of excellence for leadership, teaching, learning and assessment and where families trust us to keep their children safe and engaged in learning.
We want our children to regard learning as an enjoyable, lifelong activity that brings them fulfillment and success. The result will be confident, independent learners with a curiosity for learning about the world around them.
The trust is driven by a commitment to raising aspiration levels and achieve ambitious goals for all.
Academies within the IRIS LEARNING TRUST will provide:
We will:
aspire create a culture of high expectation and commitment to success
excel through our daily work secure excellent academies for our local communities
grow and learn together work with children and families to create great places of learning for all
Our Values - we believe that through a core set of values we will achieve our vision of excellence for all our academies.
We believe that growing and learning together is the way to achieve this ambition. Like a family we will grow to trust, love and support each other.
We value:
Integrity working to ensure the best interest of the child are at the heart of all our activities
Respect developing cultures in our academies that respect others, views, culture and identity
Inspiration providing opportunities that develop every child’s talents
Success celebrating the achievements of everyone